Embracing AI and Smart Agents

The technology landscape is evolving rapidly, with AI and large language models (LLMs) reshaping how businesses operate. NVIDIA’s recent announcement of AI Foundations, a cloud service offering that enables businesses to build, refine, and operate custom LLMs and generative AI models using proprietary data, highlights the growing importance of AI in the corporate world.

Just as websites transitioned from being a novelty in the early days of the internet to an essential component of any business, AI is poised to become an indispensable tool for organisations across industries. One area where AI’s impact is particularly evident is the emergence of smart agents, which are transforming both internal processes and customer-facing interactions.

Internal Smart Agents (internal like Intranet):

  1. Process automation: Streamline repetitive tasks like data entry and report generation.
  2. Knowledge management: Organise and manage internal knowledge for quick access.
  3. Decision support: Analyze data and provide insights for informed decision-making.
  4. Employee onboarding and training: Offer personalised guidance and integration for new hires.
  5. Virtual assistants: Support employees in daily tasks, schedule management, and reminders.
  6. AI board members and strategic advisors: Utilize AI to identify trends, assess risks, and provide unbiased insights for strategic decisions, such as the AI board member “VITAL” developed by Deep Knowledge Ventures.

External Smart Agents (Like a web page):

  1. Customer support: Provide instant, personalised assistance for customer inquiries and issues.
  2. Sales and marketing: Guide potential customers through purchasing with relevant product suggestions.
  3. Personalised recommendations: Enhance the customer experience with tailored product or service recommendations.
  4. Content creation and curation: Generate personalised content based on customer interests.
  5. Social media management: Engage with customers on social platforms and manage online communities.
  6. NVIDIA’s AI Foundations, along with similar advancements, make it easier for businesses to harness the power of AI and LLMs to create smart agents tailored to their specific needs. These technologies offer a competitive edge, enabling companies to optimise processes, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation.

As AI progresses, forward-thinking businesses must embrace these transformative tools to stay ahead and remain competitive. Failure to do so will mean a non-competitive cost model and, ultimately, business failure.

10x Productivity and Engagement with AI-Generated Visuals and Voices

In this short blog post, I want to share my experience using two remarkable AI technologies: AI Automatic 1111 GUI and Eleven Labs speech tech. These tools can help you create stunning visual and audio content with minimal effort and cost.

Automatic 1111 GUI is a browser interface for Stable Diffusion, a deep learning model that can generate realistic images from text descriptions. You can use it to create anything from surreal paintings to photorealistic portraits, just by typing what you want to see. You can also edit existing images by sketching, inpainting, outpainting or upscaling them. AI Automatic 1111 GUI lets you choose from different models, adjust various parameters, clone or design new voices, and merge checkpoints. I have been using it to create all my recent blog post images.

Eleven Labs speech tech is a voice technology research company that develops the most compelling AI speech software for publishers and creators. Their Prime Voice AI platform can convert any text to speech in any voice and any emotion with unprecedented fidelity and context awareness. You can use it to voice news articles, newsletters, blogs, audiobooks, videos or games. You can also clone voices from surprisingly small samples or create entirely new synthetic voices from scratch. The authentic storytelling potential for this is significant and although It does not yet supports the nuance of Stephen Fry’s reading say Harry Potter. However, with a little effort and the creation of voices, I would image we are not that far away.

It’s truly amazing how these technologies can work together to create uber-personalization for an audience. I used AI Automatic 111 GUI to generate these images on my blog. It’s crazy what you can do with it for example these images are based on me having trained the model on some pictures of myself and if I ever wanted to know what I might look like as a woman; well know I know! The important thing to realize here is that they are not “photoshopped” they are totally computer generated.

I used Eleven Labs speech tech to clone my own voice from a 15-second recording it’s a bit bazar to hear yourself say something you have never said! But the potential for this is enormous. As a Dyslexic person who does not find reading a pleasure, I can see a host of user cases. For example, in the games industry, when playing a computer game, you could have the narrate spoken out loud in your own voice. Many AAA game have voice actors for large amounts of text, but the quests are still written and require the payer to read.  I have also experimented having my blog read in my own voice the result was a personalized audio experience that sounded surprisingly just like me. It is of course, possible to combine  Automatic 111 GUI and Eleven Labs tech along with some animation to combine the two.  

Eleven Labs and Automatic 1111 GUI have the potential to be game-changers in the B2B, B2C, and B2B4C spaces, transforming industries in ways we’ve yet to fully imagine. As someone who began my career around the same time as the internet was emerging, I’ve witnessed first-hand the transformative power of technology. AI is already revolutionizing the way we work and create, with machine learning driving ever-faster improvements.

Businesses of all sizes need to embrace these new technologies and transition to an AI-powered future. Just as everyone was building a website in the early days of the internet, I believe that soon everyone will be shifting to an AI-powered agent. These agents can work 24/7, delivering a 10x productivity boost for businesses of all sizes. And for those Woking in marketing looking to create engaging content without spending too much time or money on production, these technologies are a must-have.

At Curious Cognition, we help businesses understand how AI technologies can be applied to create game-changing products and services and support a 10x productivity increase. If you’re interested in trying them out, visit their websites or contact me to schedule a call for an overview of what’s possible.

In my next article, I’ll be sharing my experimentation with an open-source project called Auto GTP, as well as two products: LangChain and Pinecone, which make the creation of intelligent agents possible today. Stay tuned for more insights on how AI is changing the game!  

Rapid product prototyping with Low-Code Dev and GPT-4.0 unlocking 10x productivity.

As businesses look for ways to increase productivity and drive growth, the combination of low-code development and OpenAI’s GPT-4.0 technology presents a compelling solution. Low-code development platforms allow businesses to create applications with minimal coding, while OpenAI’s GPT-4.0 brings natural language processing capabilities that can automate various tasks. By combining these technologies, businesses can achieve remarkable productivity gains and free up valuable resources to focus on innovation.

Some of the key benefits of using low-code development in combination with OpenAI GPT-4.0 include faster development times, improved accuracy, and reduced costs. With low-code development, product managers can quickly prototype and test new product ideas, building prototypes to validate learning quickly. OpenAI GPT-4.0 can also improve the quality of customer service by providing intelligent chatbots that can answer customer queries in natural language, freeing up customer service agents to focus on more complex issues.

To make the most of low-code development with OpenAI GPT-4.0, businesses should consider investing in employee training to help them fully leverage the power of these technologies. Additionally, businesses should work with experienced partners who can help them design and implement custom solutions tailored to their specific needs.

By adopting low-code development with OpenAI GPT-4.0, businesses can accelerate their digital transformation journeys and speed up the development of prototypes to help support validated learning while unlocking significant productivity gains. With the correct planning and a commitment to ongoing innovation, teams and businesses can achieve remarkable results and position themselves for success.

#LowCodeDevelopment #OpenAI #GPT4 #ProductivityGains #DigitalTransformation #Chatbots #NaturalLanguageProcessing #Automation

How to Achieve Sustainable Growth in a High-Inflation Environment

As high-interest rates and inflation dominate headlines, angel investors and private equity firms alike are on the lookout for lucrative returns. In this increasingly challenging financial landscape, businesses must prioritise profitability and sustainability to thrive. One key to unlocking this potential is embracing the transformative power of AI, smart agents, and low/no code development, which allows for a 10x productivity revolution.

Here are four crucial strategies for businesses to succeed in today’s high-inflation environment:

1. Solidify business plans: With investors scrutinising every detail, businesses must present robust, well-researched plans demonstrating a clear path to profitability, not just growth. Incorporate the latest advancements in AI and smart agents to optimise operations and drive efficiency.

2. Update & develop relevant product roadmaps: As AI and smart agents become ubiquitous in the next five years, businesses must ensure their product roadmaps align with this reality. Focus on creating innovative solutions that leverage AI and smart agent technologies to meet customer needs and stay ahead of the competition. Its highly likey your mid-term roadmap needs to change if it has not already.

3. Embrace the 10x productivity revolution: AI and smart agents have the potential to unlock a 10x increase in productivity. By adopting these technologies, businesses can optimise processes, enhance customer experiences, and maximise value creation amid inflationary pressures.

4. Prioritise profitable and sustainable growth: It’s essential to focus on business fundamentals. By ensuring sustainable growth and profitability, businesses can better navigate economic challenges and attract the interest of investors seeking dependable returns.

Businesses must adapt to the rapidly changing economic landscape by focusing on solid business plans and relevant product roadmaps and embracing the 10x productivity revolution driven by AI, smart agents and low/no-code development.

#AI #SmartAgents #Inflation #BusinessGrowth #Sustainability #10xProductivity #Profitability #Innovation #AngelInvestors #PrivateEquity

The Human Condition: Why we kill productivity

Day dreaming

Understanding the complexities of the human condition is crucial in pursuing the 10x productivity revolution. The human condition has been explored by many philosophers, artists, and writers throughout history, including existentialist philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Martin Heidegger. It involves a deep understanding of the nature of humanity and the purpose of existence. Having a deeper understanding of the human condition can help individuals navigate their own emotional experiences and develop resilience in the face of life’s difficulties, providing a more profound sense of connection to others, a greater appreciation for the challenges and rewards of life, and a clearer sense of purpose and meaning in one’s own life.

In addition to the benefits of understanding the human condition, it is essential to recognise and address cognitive biases that can negatively impact productivity. Biases such as confirmation bias, where we seek out information that confirms our preexisting beliefs, or the sunk cost fallacy, where we continue investing time and resources in a project that is not delivering results, can lead to irrational decisions and unproductive behaviours. These biases are common among all individuals, including knowledge workers, and can be particularly damaging to productivity in the workplace.

Another factor that can negatively impact productivity is the ubiquity of technology, including smartphones and social media. Our natural tendency is to be easily distracted and seek immediate gratification, and these technologies can exacerbate those tendencies. Parents need to consider screen time for children and young adults, with one in four (23%) demonstrating addict behaviours, ranging from 10-30% across the different studies. By being mindful of where we spend our time and identifying any negative productivity aspects, we can work to overcome these distractions.

The pursuit of the 10x productivity revolution requires a deep understanding of the human condition, an awareness of cognitive biases, and a mindful approach to the use of technology. By recognising and addressing these factors, we can improve our decision-making and increase our productivity, both as individuals and as organisations.

#humancondition #cognitivebiases #technology #productivityrevolution #10xHero #dalle

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